Headache Treatment Specialist in College Park, MD
A headache is a discomfort in the head or face that is commonly described as throbbing, continuous, acute, or dull. Aching, pressure, and sensitivity to light and sound are common symptoms of headaches. Almost everyone will experience mild and acute headaches from time to time, and more often than not, these are not cause for concern. However, when headaches occur in greater frequency than usual, are causing severe or debilitating symptoms, or are stemming from an unknown cause, urgent care can help. Our board-certified Dr. Jamal Fadul, M.D. FAAFP and his experienced team offer headache treatment at Express Healthcare LLC. For more information, contact us today or schedule an appointment online. We are conveniently located at 4701 Melbourne Place College Park, MD 20740.
Table of Contents:
What does a serious headache feel like?
What causes headaches?
What are some types of headaches?
When do you need to go to urgent care for a headache?
Headaches are a common experience for everyone, and frequently, their symptoms are mild, with a swift recovery but this is not always the case. Headaches are more complicated and varied in nature and seriousness than most people think.
Different types of headaches can present with unique symptoms, require different treatments, and occur for different reasons. Headaches can also vary in severity with some presenting as fairly serious.
The many types of serious headaches mean the symptoms will vary however, a serious headache may present alongside familiar symptoms of a mild and acute headache, however, they will be much more severe. Pain may present on one or both sides of the head and it can be intermittent or persistent. The sensations associated with different types of headache pain may be described as piercing or throbbing and, in some cases, additional symptoms such as light sensitivity, nausea, and more, may occur alongside the head pain.
Serious headaches can be much more than simply an annoyance or an inconvenience, they can present with debilitating symptoms and get in the way of an individual’s daily routine.
There are hundreds of types of headaches, some are mild, and others are serious health concerns. As a result, the causes of headaches can be equally varied. Broadly speaking, headaches can be divided into two categories, primary and secondary headaches.
Primary headaches are not symptoms of underlying health problems, instead, they are acute issues typically caused by pain-sensitive features in the head. Individuals may have a genetic predisposition to the development of primary headaches. Lifestyle factors can also contribute to primary headaches such as the excessive consumption of alcohol, lack of sleep, poor diet, exercise choices, and more.
Secondary headaches develop as a result of an underlying health condition. A secondary headache is considered a sign or symptom of the underlying condition. The seriousness of these types of headaches depends on the specific nature of the underlying condition that is causing them.
Secondary headaches may suggest a head injury, spinal issues, and much more. Secondary headaches may not go away until the root cause of these headaches is addressed.
Within the broader categories of primary and secondary headaches, there are hundreds of types of headaches. Tension headaches are among the most common headaches individuals will experience.
Tension headaches are commonly associated with stress and manifest as a dull and steady pain. Exertion headaches are typically acute headaches that arise following overly strenuous exercise. Migraines are a form of serious headache that can result in severe pain and a wide range of additional debilitating symptoms and can constitute a medical emergency.
Certain individuals may be prone to migraines resulting in repeated bouts with headaches, nausea, light and sound sensitivity, and a host of additional symptoms.
Cluster headaches are another form of severe headache that occur in periods of severe attacks that can last hours at a time and are debilitatingly painful.
Headaches vary considerably in degree of severity as well as cause and treatment options. For these reasons, if you are experiencing recurring headaches visiting an urgent care center such as Express Healthcare LLC is highly recommended.
Almost everyone will experience mild and acute headaches from time to time and more often than not these are not cause for concern. However, when headaches are occurring in greater frequency than is usual, are causing severe or debilitating symptoms, or are stemming from an unknown cause, urgent care can help.
The symptoms associated with serious headaches can get in the way of an individual’s ability to function in their daily life and the pain can become unbearable. Additionally, severe or recurring headaches may be symptoms of a serious underlying health condition that require a diagnosis and treatment.
Headache treatment specialists are available at Express Healthcare LLC. For more information, contact us today or schedule an appointment online. We are conveniently located at 4701 Melbourne Place College Park, MD 20740. We serve patients from College Park MD, New Carrollton MD, Berwyn Heights MD, White Oak MD, Seabrook MD, Laurel MD, Springdale MD, Mitchellville MD and surrounding areas.
Mrs. James, 45 years old woman is one of the patients of Express Healthcare, LLC. She shared her story with us about her headache attacks and her experience with our services in Express Healthcare.
“I had a Migraine attack for three days. It’s out of control, has lasted long enough to be classified as status Migrainous, and I know I need help. It’s also the weekend, and nobody is in at my doctor’s office. Sound familiar to anyone? Unfortunately, this scenario or at least one that’s similar is familiar to all too many people who suffer from Migraine disease or severe headaches.” She continued:
“Over the years, I’ve “heard” many accounts of visits to the Emergency Room and Urgent Care facilities. Many of us have been treated well and with respect in both places, but I usually wait time less than an hour in the Urgent Care (UC) versus while in the Emergency Room (ER) I usually spend more time waiting. At the urgent care the medical staff is all as professional as the staff in the ER, polite and respectful. The diagnosis for my problem was clearly explained by the physician in the urgent care and the treatment was very effective too.
The physician provided me with a home care plan prior to leaving and gave me instructions about what to do if the headache/migraine returned, she added. So my level of satisfaction with overall experience was 100 %. Since that time I decided to go to the urgent care clinic instead of ER whenever I experience headache again.
“While the ER is familiar to many people, I encourage headache sufferers to consider their local urgent care facility the next time they require immediate headache treatment, I really recommend this from my own experience” said Mrs. James.
A lot of patients with headache had far more positive experiences at urgent care facilities than emergency rooms. If you are a headache or Migraine sufferer who occasionally needs emergency care, this is absolutely something to keep in mind. If your healthcare is covered by insurance, however, it would be prudent to check in advance to see if care at an urgent care facility is covered by your insurance plan. Some plans cover ER visits, but not UC visits. Some will cover either, but only if you are referred there by your primary physician. In Express Healthcare, we accept most insurance plans. At Express urgent care, we save you time and money.
Additional Services You May Need
▸ EKG, Stress Tests, Cardiology
▸ Physical Therapy
▸ Internal Medicine
▸ Urgent Care
▸ Vaccines & Immunizations
▸ On-Site Lab Screening
▸ X-Ray & Imaging
▸ Women’s Health
▸ Occupational Health