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Urgent Care Doctors

Urgent Care Doctors Accepting New Patients in College Park, MD

If you need immediate care or a new urgent care doctor in College Park, MD, we can help. We are accepting new patients, and walk-ins are welcome. At Express Healthcare, we are committed to offering affordable, reliable, and efficient healthcare services to the community of College Park, MD. For more information, contact us or schedule an appointment online.

If you need immediate care or a new urgent care doctor in College Park, MD, we can help. We are accepting new patients, and walk-ins are welcome. At Express Healthcare, we are committed to offering affordable, reliable, and efficient healthcare services to the community of College Park, MD. For more information, contact us or schedule an appointment online.
If you need immediate care or a new urgent care doctor in College Park, MD, we can help. We are accepting new patients, and walk-ins are welcome. At Express Healthcare, we are committed to offering affordable, reliable, and efficient healthcare services to the community of College Park, MD. For more information, contact us or schedule an appointment online.

Urgent Care Doctors Accepting New Patients in College Park, MD
Urgent Care Doctors Accepting New Patients in College Park, MD

Table of Content:

How can I make a same-day appointment with an Urgent Care Doctor if I live in College Park, MD?
How can I find an Urgent Care Doctor in College Park, MD who takes my insurance?
Is Express Healthcare accepting new patients?

If you’ve ever found yourself sitting in an emergency room for hours on end thinking if your injury was really worth all this time and money, you certainly wouldn’t be the first one. Sometimes it’s difficult to know if your medical needs are at a walk-in, urgent care, or emergency room level. Urgent care deals with non-life-threatening injuries, conditions, and illnesses. If your life isn’t in immediate danger but you don’t want to wait weeks to get an appointment with your primary care physician, Express Healthcare may be the solution you’re looking for!

We are equipped with the highly qualified medical staff and technology needed to deal with fractures, sprains, severe colds, sports injuries, workplace accidents, lacerations, minor eye injuries, and abrasions. You can always call our friendly reception before coming in for a visit to see if your injury fits the urgent care model. Below we’ve provided some additional information about Express Healthcare!

How can I make a same-day appointment with an Urgent Care Doctor if I live in College Park, MD?

You can make a same-day appointment with Express Healthcare to guarantee you will be seen by one of our physicians. Although you are more than welcome to walk in to our urgent care without an appointment, calling in advance will make you a priority patient. We are primarily located at 4701 Melbourne Place College Park, MD. You can also visit our drive-thru location at Herbert Wells Ice Rink parking lot, 5211 Campus Dr, College Park, MD. If you’re a new patient with us please call and if you’re an existing patient with our clinic feel free to call. Alternatively, you can use our website to schedule an appointment online. We look forward to your visit!

How can I find an Urgent Care Doctor in College Park, MD who takes my insurance?

Every urgent care center accepts different insurance policies. Typically they are all affiliated with all the major insurance companies; however, there are some exceptions. Make sure to look online to find out what insurance policies your urgent care center accepts.
Express Healthcare is currently accepting insurance policies from the following companies:

–  Aetna
–  Anthem Bluecross Blueshield
–  CoreSource
–  Coventry Health Care
–  Maryland Physicians Care
–  Maryland Medical Assistance
–  Medicare
–  Medicaid
–  OneNet PPO
–  PHCS Medicaid
–  Principal Life Insurance
–  Priority Partners
–  Riverside Health
–  Tricare
–  United Healthcare
–  UniCare
–  UMR
Insurance companies we are not associated with or accepting include:

–  Chartis
–  DC Medicaid
–  Kaiser Permanente
–  Medical Mutual
–  Optimum Choice
–  Primary Adult Care Program
–  United Healthcare Select HMO and Medicaid
If your insurance policy is on neither of these lists or you’re looking for information about worker’s compensation or motor vehicle accidents, please call us so that we can help you. If it’s your first visit to our center, we do need you to bring your active insurance card. Uninsured patients of urgent care centers are welcome to pay out-of-pocket as well.

Is Express Healthcare accepting new patients?

Yes! Express Healthcare is currently accepting new patients. Our clinic offers telemedicine, acupuncture, cardiology, ultrasound, toxicology, covid testing, and urgent care services. At urgent care, our team of medical staff can diagnose and treat numerous conditions. If you can’t get in with your primary care doctor, consider walking into our clinic or booking an appointment. We pride ourselves on efficient, comprehensive health care for every single person who walks through our doors. What’s so great about urgent care centers is their affordability compared to a hospital visit. We are more than equipped to deal with any non-life-threatening emergencies.
If you live in College Park MD and you need a new urgent care center, consider Express Healthcare. Our team would love to help you stay healthy and safe! For more information, contact us or schedule an appointment online. We are conveniently located at 4701 Melbourne Place College Park, MD 20740. We serve patients from College Park MD, New Carrollton MD, Berwyn Heights MD, White Oak MD, Seabrook MD, Laurel MD, Springdale MD, Mitchellville MD and surrounding areas.